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Wanted: An Earl for Hire: Calling all Rakes Page 3

  She gave a quick nod. “I do.”

  His gaze remained skeptical. “Do you mind if I ask how?”

  She nibbled at her bottom lip. It was a habit she’d acquired when she was thinking. “An uncle laid favor on me upon his death.” That was the truth. “I thought to donate the money to orphans or some such cause…” A lie. Not that she had anything against orphans. But she needed a mental puzzle that would occupy her thoughts, prove her worth, and hopefully help her find her future. “And investigating women in need seems a noble pursuit to me.”

  “A cause? Attempting to chase down murderers is your cause?”

  “Well.” She cocked her head. “I’m hoping it’s just the one. Murderer.”

  A muscle in his cheek began to tic. It was a gesture she recognized. Charlotte had experienced it often enough. She was trying the man’s patience. “How I choose to spend my money is my concern.”

  He grimaced. “Right.”

  “Your concern is whether or not you wish to accept.” She tried to keep her voice light, but she found that she was holding her breath. What would she do if he said no? What were the odds someone else might answer her ad?

  He was silent for several seconds before he gave his chin a jerk of affirmation. “I accept your offer.”

  Relief pulled at her shoulders as the air whooshed from her lungs. “Good.” Then she turned back toward the desk, but a light hand at her elbow stopped her.

  “You can pay me your initial payment tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow?” she asked, as shivers from his touch tingled all through her. Her mind went completely blank.

  “Did you wish to start later?”

  “No,” she quickly said, trying to clear the cobwebs in her mind. “I’ll pick you up at noon.”

  “You’ll…” He dropped his chin, giving her a questioning glance.

  “I’m assuming you’ve sold your carriage.”

  Regret flashed across his face. “How did you…”

  She waved her hand. “If you’ll just leave your address.”

  With a quick nod, he crossed to her desk, pulled out her quill, and penned the address at the bottom of Alexi’s letter that she’d been writing when he’d been announced.

  She supposed she had to rewrite the letter anyway. She’d have to tell her friends that her si quis had been a success.

  Shaking her head, she wondered what the others were sure to say when they found out an earl had answered her ad. She didn’t think it would be anything good. They’d not been in favor of this plan. Her cousin Mona had said something about inviting trouble and she was certain, at the very least, they’d expected the ad to remain unanswered.

  He straightened up and gave her a quick bow. “It was a pleasure, Miss Pennington.”

  “And you, my lord.” She curtsied, watching his retreating back. Then she rushed to the desk. She had several letters to send and an address to hide from her mother.

  Tate shifted in the simple chair, his friend Howard sitting across from him. Howard had kindly invited Tate to his current club for dinner. Tate had belonged to a similar establishment prior to becoming an earl. He’d left however, not because the club wasn’t socially connected enough, but because he hadn’t been able to afford the extravagance. Every shilling he’d earned had gone into the earldom.

  Howard sipped at his whisky, eyeing Tate over the rim. “How is life among the elite?”

  Howard knew very well that Tate was impoverished beyond anything he’d experienced when he’d been a working man. That was the thing about living larger. A man could access more of everything, including debt. “You know very well.”

  Tate wished for the thousandth time he might return to his former life. A simple man with a fulfilling job and enough money to be comfortable. But not only was it frowned upon for an earl to work at a trade, the money he’d make would not even begin to fill the debt and it would pull him from the other tasks in the earldom.

  Howard grimaced. “No change in fate, then?”

  Tate took a swallow of his whiskey, thinking of Miss Charlotte Pennington. Why would that woman be a change of fate? Despite her beauty and the small boon of two thousand pounds, she wasn’t going to change his entire life.

  But she lingered in his thoughts as he lowered his glass and gave Howard a long look. “No. No change.”

  Howard shifted in his seat. “Surely there is some frumpy lady who would preen at the chance to make marry a man like you.”

  “Like me?” he asked, an eyebrow twitching up.

  Howard gave him a disgusted look. “Please. You were already aristocratically handsome with your angles, your tall stature, and damn shoulders. I quite hate you for it. And then you had to go and inherit a title.”

  Tate smiled into his rim. “Don’t hate me too much. I may land myself in debtor’s prison yet.”

  “As an earl?”

  “An earl no one cares about. It’s very different.”

  Howard shrugged. “You won’t be in debt for long. As I said, some rich woman will take your title and fund your earldom before you utter the word, countess.”

  “Howard.” He leaned forward. “I have to find her first.”

  Howard frowned. “You were raised with an earl as a grandfather. Surely you have some acquaintances who might invite you to something.”

  He likely did. But it had been nearly a decade since he’d seen any of them. And he couldn’t exactly entertain. Not only was his townhome in disrepair but the food bill alone would sink him. “You’re right. There must be some friend to my uncle who could issue an invitation.”

  Howard shook his head. “What about Alfred’s friends?”

  “They weren’t much for polite society.” Though titled men, they were more interested in the debauchery and mayhem than in balls and soirees.

  Howard tapped his chin. “I work for the Marquess of Hartford. Last I was there, the marchioness was speaking about a new heiress.”

  New heiress? That had potential. “Did you hear anything else?”

  Howard nodded. “Bluestocking and spinster were both bandied about in the conversation.”

  “She sounds perfect.”

  Howard laughed. “You sound serious.”

  “I am.” Tate ran a hand through his thick tangle of curls. “I need a wife quickly.”

  Howard shook his head. “You’re right. That does make me significantly less jealous. I only plan to marry when Venus herself floats down from the sky in front of me and holds out her arms to pull me to her chest.”

  A chuckle escaped Tate’s lips. He’d had a similar attitude. He hadn’t exactly been opposed to marriage, but at eight and twenty, he hadn’t been in much of a rush either. How times had changed. “I’ve not the luxury to wait for Venus.” But the sudden image of Charlotte Pennington pushed to the forefront of him mind. Her and her…delectable chest.

  Howard curled his lip. “I understand. But try not to forget you’ve got to make an heir with this woman.”

  That was the truth.

  But that was so far down on his list of concerns that he couldn’t worry about that now. He sat back in his chair. If only he’d realized Alfred’s troubles sooner. Another stab of regret surged through his chest. He’d failed his cousin.

  Which meant he’d failed himself.

  “Do you know who this lady is? The heiress bluestocking spinster.”

  Howard shook his head. “I’ll keep my ears open, but you should contact Alfred’s friends. Even if they don’t participate in polite society, they’ll be able to give you some information to get you started on your search, I’m certain.”

  Tate nodded. Howard had made several good points. Once he arrived home, he’d send a couple of letters to some of Alfred’s derelict acquaintances. He’d been avoiding them because they usually meant trouble, but at least they could be of some service besides helping Alfred squander a fortune.

  And in the meantime, he’d help Charlotte Pennington with her investigation. Perhaps, he’d even pick up s
ome societal tidbits from her along the way.

  Chapter Four

  Charlotte once again sat at her desk, quill in hand.

  Today was far more seasonably grey, not that she cared. Her mind was fully engaged in her task…creating a list of investigative angles for her newly hired earl to explore.

  She’d invited her friends to help her with the task, not that they’d been much use.

  Predictably, they’d peppered her with their concerns.

  One after the other.


  “You could be ruined,” Alexi said, clasping her hands in front of her, her eyes growing wide.

  “She doesn’t care about that,” Priscilla said, her dark hair falling over one shoulder. “Not in society’s eyes. But you don’t know this man. What if he takes advantage of the situation and actually attempts to ruin you?”

  Mona frowned. “I’m coming with you today.”

  “Grace will come,” she quietly added as she continued to write. She mostly ignored their words, though some of them were sinking in as she wrote. Speak with Inspector Scully. Visit each of the murder scenes.

  “Grace wouldn’t be able to do a thing if he tried to take…liberties,” Priscilla said. “One of us should be with you at all times. I’m rather handy with my umbrella.”

  She shook her head, understanding their point, but still. Each had their own duties and obligations, and most of them still participated in society—and the season was about to begin. She’d waste precious time coordinating schedules. “Mona will come with me today and assess the earl’s character. After that, Grace will suffice.”

  The ladies nodded their agreement as she finished her list. Dusting the paper, she quickly folded it and placed the folded sheet in her reticule as the clock chimed quarter past eleven. “Shall we?” she asked, standing from the desk.

  Mona rose too, tugging her gloves higher on her wrists.

  “Do be careful,” Priscilla said, her brow crinkling in worry. “I’m concerned for your safety.”

  Charlotte winced as she stepped closer to her friend. Jumping headlong into trouble was a penchant of hers. But this was not the time to turn back.

  A little voice asked, why not?

  She pushed that voice down.

  If she didn’t solve the murders, what would she do? Listen to her mother? This world was a difficult place for all women. This was her one chance to make it a bit better for some.

  “I’ll be fine.” She took Priscilla’s hand. “Try not to worry.”

  Priscilla released her as all the women made their way to the door and down the stairs. They donned their pelisses and hats, making their way to her carriage.

  Mona climbed in behind her as they settled on the forward-facing seat.

  “What was your impression of him?” Mona asked as the wheels began to roll. “Your earl for hire?”

  Charlotte worried her lip as she looked out the window. She didn’t think it would do to mention handsome. Mona might think that Charlotte had engaged his services for all the wrong reasons. “Quiet, thoughtful. And out of his depth. He inherited a failing earldom and he’s not a clue what to do with it.”

  Mona winced as she listened. “Does he know? About you?”


  “And you’ll keep it that way?” Mona touched Charlotte’s sleeve.


  Mona nodded. “How old do you think he is?”

  She might as well be honest. Mona was about to meet the man. “Fairly young.”

  Mona’s gaze sharpened. Charlotte kept her own eyes trained on the window, but she could feel the intensity of Mona’s stare. “Handsome?”

  Charlotte winced and when she did, Mona drew in a sharp breath. “Marginally.”

  Mona’s fingers wrapped about her forearm. “And you’re certain he doesn’t know who you are? What you’ve received?”

  Charlotte shrugged. “Fairly.”

  “Marginally? Fairly?” Mona repeated. “Charlotte, I’m inclined to agree with Priscilla. This is starting to sound…”

  She turned to look at her cousin and best friend in all the world. “Meet him first. Then express your concerns.”

  Mona gave a nod. “Fine. I can do that.”

  Charlotte reached for her cousin’s hand, holding her fingers in hers. “I know I tend to forge ahead.”

  Mona’s brows rose. “Like the time that you were convinced the Baron of Longely was attempting to steal the Duchess of Simplemire’s sapphire necklace?”

  “The man was suspicious,” she defended, holding up her hands. “He kept staring down at the jewels, attempting to touch them.”

  “Charlotte.” Mona clucked her tongue. “His interest was in her bosom. And yours is the only reason he didn’t press the issue when you accused him of being a thief.”

  Charlotte had the decency to cringe. Her cousin’s point hit its mark. She tended to dive headlong into trouble. It was part of the reason she hadn’t been much of a success as a debutante. Her demure façade was ruined every time she did or said something outrageously forward.

  “Regardless, this time we know there is actual wrongdoing happening. And we have a chance to really help people. These women don’t have our advantages.”

  Mona gripped her arm again. “Yes. But that doesn’t mean we need to get involved. Surely the inspectors can handle the situation.”

  Charlotte shook her head. How did she explain that she’d never been good at anything other than stirring trouble? Not society, or needlework, or pianoforte playing.

  Certainly not at pleasing her parents.

  This was her chance to prove to herself that she could be what?


  Worthy. But worthy of what she couldn’t quite say. Her fortune? The power it placed in her hands? “We’ve been over this before.”

  Mona tsked. “Yes. But you make a habit of ignoring what I’m saying.”

  Charlotte looked down at her lap. “I’m trying. Hence why I’ve hired the Earl of Westmoreland. In this way, I can hopefully stay out of trouble. But I promise I’ll proceed with caution. If it isn’t working, I’ll resign myself to funding an orphanage. Far more fashionable than investigating murder.”

  Mona shook her head as the carriage rolled to a stop.

  Both glanced out at the stately manner house. It was lovely…and a bit wild. At least the shrubs were. They hadn’t been trimmed in months. Perhaps years. And the steps were made of a fine marble that was in need to a good sweeping.

  “Genteel poverty,” Mona sighed. “With a little money and work, this place could be stunning.”

  “Too true,” Charlotte murmured, but she was stopped from saying more when the door swung open, and the earl stepped out of the door. He wore the same boots and coat he’d had on yesterday, but neither detracted from the raw male appeal of the man.

  Her breath caught as she straightened on the seat.

  “That’s him?” Mona elbowed her. “You hired him?”

  “I did.”

  “My goodness.” Mona leaned forward. “I’ve changed my mind. Tell him about your inheritance. Use it to buy the title of countess.”


  Mona held up her hands. “Only part of it. Throw out a figure. See if he bites.” Then she looked back at the earl. “Or kisses.”

  The very idea of that man kissing her sent Charlotte’s heart racing.

  Making his way down the dingy front steps of his townhome made Tate grimace. He needed to sweep them, but what earl stood outside and swept his own steps? He needed money quickly. More than Charlotte Pennington had offered to pay him. So he’d sent several missives this morning to some of Alfred’s old acquaintances to ask for help in finding an heiress. He could only hope one of them replied.

  He needed another woman to occupy his thoughts besides the one who was sitting in the well-appointed carriage in front of his house.

  Tate climbed into the vehicle, Charlotte’s scent hitting him first. He looked everywhere
but at her, which meant he quickly realized that the elderly chaperone had been replaced.

  His eyes flicked over the stunning redhead before they settled back on Miss Pennington. Charlotte.

  Why was his eye so drawn to her?

  She sat, her brown mass of hair barely tamed by pins, as she eyed him with intelligent skepticism.

  Her lush lips were even fuller as she considered him. She drew in a deep breath, pushing her chest out further, her breasts straining against her pelisse. His fist clenched against his outer thigh. What did she wear underneath? A modest day dress? Something more risqué?

  Why did he care?

  And why wasn’t he giving the other woman the same attention?

  “My lord,” Charlotte murmured. “May I introduce my cousin. Miss Ayers.”

  He inclined his head, noting Miss Ayers’ sparkling green eyes. While his were a grey green, hers were emerald. Like fresh new grass in summer. Still, his gaze drifted back to Charlotte. Her warm brown eyes appeared flecked with gold, shining with a light all their own. In the dim light, her pearly skin seemed to glow. She was a vision of loveliness that stole his breath.

  “A pleasure,” he managed to reply, his gaze quickly touching Miss Ayers before returning to Charlotte. “How is your chaperone from yesterday? I thought she was to attend.”

  “She was.” That made the corners of Charlotte’s mouth turn up. “And Grace is fine. I’m sure she’d be glad to know you asked.”

  “Grace attended you yesterday?” Mona asked. “I didn’t realize the woman was still capable of rising from bed.”

  Tate bit back a chuckle. “I have to confess I’m relieved she isn’t here. Even a carriage ride would seem too taxing.”

  Charlotte quirked a brow. “She’s healthy as a horse. She just can neither see nor hear very well, which makes her rather ideal.”

  He raised his brows as if to ask without asking why they had another chaperone then. He gave Miss Ayers another quick glance.

  Charlotte cocked her head. “My cousin is very aware of the investigation and the details of our acquaintance.”