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Stealing a Lady's Heart: A Regency Fairytale (Fairfield Fairytales Book 1) Page 3
Stealing a Lady's Heart: A Regency Fairytale (Fairfield Fairytales Book 1) Read online
Page 3
Her entire body tensed as she braced for the fall that would surely come. But just before her horse reached the log, she was plucked abruptly from her saddle. In an instant, Graham had her in his lap. His large arms encircled her. They were rock hard compared with the softness of her body. She caught his scent as the wind whipped past them. It was clean and masculine, and she buried her face in his neck, savoring the smell. His larger horse cleared the log with barely a jump. She peered over Graham’s shoulder to see her horse jump the log but catch her back foot.
“Oh!” she cried. Graham turned his horse and trotted back to her mare. Now that they were going slowly, she became aware of every point her body touched his. Her hands had wrapped around his hard and broad shoulders. They felt stronger than any she had ever touched before. Her breasts were crushed up against his muscular chest, and her rear was tucked between his legs. Her head tipped back and her lips parted as their eyes met. She had never kissed a man but suddenly, it was all she wanted.
Graham’s eyes traveled the contours of her face then rested on her lips Charlotte was dimly aware of straining up to bring their lips closer but Graham moved his face further from hers. “Let’s check on your horse.” Disappointment coursed through Charlotte but was quickly replaced with awe. Graham swung down from the horse, carrying her with him. Charlotte was amazed at the ease with which he lifted her down. She tried to picture some of the soft lords of London carrying her and nearly laughed out loud at the image.
“What?” He cocked an eyebrow.
“How do you carry me so easily?” The question popped out before she could hold it back.
“After carrying large hunks of metal for safes, you are light as a feather.” He tweaked her nose.
She felt herself blush. It was incredibly comforting and exciting to be nestled against his strong body.
He set her down and began checking the legs of her horse. “She’s tender in this back leg. I think you should ride back with me, we’ll have the groom check her.”
He stood up, their bodies inches apart. Without even realizing it, she placed her hand on his arm. “Graham, thank you. I don’t know what I would have done if…”
“The pleasure was mine.” The tension between them was palpable. She looked into his eyes and then her tongue darted out to lick her lips. His eyes followed the movement of her tongue. She quickly drew it back into her mouth. She could feel their bodies drawing closer although she wasn’t moving. His lips were drifting closer to hers and she strained up on her toes, suddenly desperate to press them together.
“My lady!” Armsby’s voice rang out, “Are you alright?”
Graham stepped back and Charlotte could have cursed. Except she didn’t actually curse.
“No need to worry Armsby, Mr. Fairfield kept me safe.” Charlotte glanced at his full lips and bit her own.
“Can she ride the horse back?” Armsby asked.
“I don’t think so. She’ll ride with me.” Graham climbed onto his horse, then effortlessly pulled her in front of him, nestling her against his hard body.
“Is it proper?” the footman asked aghast. “Her father tasked us with keeping her safe and…”
“I’ll go nice and slow so you can stay right next to us.” Graham’s tone left no room for argument. He was clearly annoyed. Charlotte looked at him, wondering what he was thinking.
Their eyes met and he gave her a tiny smile that touched his eyes. She caught her breath. It was the most intimate thing she had ever experienced in her entire life. She laid her head on his shoulder. So strong. Her hand rested on his other shoulder, and the other slipped around his waist. He snuggled her closer. She ducked her head and smiled. While she had missed the kiss, she would enjoy the slow ride back to the manor.
When they returned to the manor, the baron was waiting for them. “What took so long?” His deep voice held a dissatisfied note.
“Charlotte nearly tumbled from her horse and the steed’s back leg is out of sorts. We took it slowly on the return home.” Graham swung them both effortlessly off the horse, but he set Charlotte down a foot away from him. Disappointment coursed through her. She already missed the feel of his body.
“You should have been more careful.” Baron Fairfield stepped up to his son, his look menacing.
“The fault was mine. I rode out ahead, I wasn’t thinking.” Charlotte moved closer to Graham in her own act of protection.
“He should have stopped you. He knows better.” The baron crossed his arms over his chest.
“He’s right Charlotte. I should have stopped you.” Graham gave her the smallest wink.
Charlotte straightened. She didn’t like being dismissed. “I am my own woman. I can make my own mistakes.”
“Of course. I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise.” The baron smiled at her. “Perhaps you would like a bath? We could have one brought up for you.” He began ushering her inside, but she saw the dark look he shot Graham over his shoulder. “We aren’t finished Graham.”
* * * *
Charlotte took a long, delicious bath but when she was finished, she could still hear work on the outside of the house continuing. It was going to be a long time until dinner. At least tonight she had time to properly dress. She picked out a dark blue gown that she hoped brought out the color of her eyes. She blushed slightly and wondered what Graham would think of the dress. Then, she closed her eyes. She had to stop thinking this way. He was the least likely candidate of any she had met. Would her father approve? She shrugged to herself. She doubted he would disown her. She was his only child and heir. But even if he did, Charlotte was wealthy in her own right. Her mother had left her a small fortune. She piled her hair on top of her head and pinched her cheeks one last time.
Her shoulders immediately slumped when she walked into the parlor. After a long day of work, the Fairfield men looked tired and were dressed very casually.
Will’s eyes met hers first and she could see surprise in them. Her cheeks colored at her gaff. She was overdressed. “Forgive me,” she addressed the men. “I was not thinking, wearing such a dinner dress.”
Graham stepped forward. “On the contrary, it has been a long time since such a beauty has graced our rooms. It is a rare treat to see a lady dressed as such. Thank you, Lady Charlotte.”
Will nodded, as did the other brothers, but she silently thanked Graham for saving the situation. He extended his arm to her. “Allow me.” His warm brown eyes danced.
Charlotte felt her heart skip a beat. As her hand slipped around his elbow, the feel of his arm muscles underneath his shirt sent jitters all along her skin. She trembled slightly but composed herself. She could walk to dinner without making a spectacle of herself.
They ate heartily, except for Charlotte, who watched the men around her. Her respect for them grew by the hour. They had more grace than most of the titled men she knew. Charlotte watched as the hungry men politely ate and talked of the progress they made on their home and their plans for the future. Charlotte traveled in the upper crust of society and yet she couldn’t remember meeting men she liked more than these.
As the evening progressed, Charlotte realized that not one man had made advances toward her. Had she imagined her near-kiss with Graham? If it had happened then wouldn’t he be trying to marry her? Not once had marriage been brought up at her visit to Fairfield Manor. No wonder she felt so comfortable. For once, she wasn’t being accosted.
She knew she tempted fate, but she couldn’t seem to help but bring up the conversation herself. “I must ask. How do four eligible men find themselves all unwed?”
None of the men volunteered right away and Charlotte shifted uncomfortably. It was another rude question. Why did she keep forgetting her manners here?
Nick spoke first, “I am but two and twenty and have all the time in the world.” He waved his hand in an airy way and laughed. “But you’re right, some of my brothers are getting a little crusty
Good-natured grumbling rumbled through the room, then Will spoke, ‘I will see the manner set to right before I marry. I want to give my wife and children a good life.”
Tom nodded, he clearly agreed, but Graham said nothing. Charlotte couldn’t seem to help herself. She looked over at Graham, “And you?”
“I don’t know that I will marry.” Graham shrugged.
Charlotte felt disappointment course through her. So he was a rake. She should have trusted her first instincts about him. But his next answer rocked her.
“I am the third son and unlikely to inherit. I have only locksmithing and war to fall back on. I don’t know what I might possibly give to a woman.”
Charlotte’s mouth hung open. The answer was so honest; it completely shocked her. He was not at all like the men who loved only themselves. It would never occur to one of those men that they didn’t have enough to give a woman. This man was completely unselfish.
She blushed from his answer and her response to it. “I have pried. I’m sorry.”
His eyes danced, “Not at all, my lady, but the question must be returned. Why have you not married?”
Why didn’t he call her Charlotte? She stared into the depths of his brown eyes. He had answered honestly, she would do the same. “I want to marry for love and I want a man who loves all of me. I like working with orphans. I like being in the country. I don’t want to spend all of my time attending parties in London. I am waiting for the right man to come along who will share that life with me and not just insist I live life his way.”
“Your father is fine with that?” Disbelief laced Graham’s voice.
“No, he isn’t. He is entertaining suitors but…” She waved her hand. Hesitation and a hint of fear laced her voice.
“But what?” Graham leaned in, pressing her for more information. She could see the concern on his face.
“The only serious suitor has been the Marquess of Huntly. I don’t think my father is seriously considering him. He is a little disconcerting and he has managed to scare any other suitors…” Charlotte realized she was revealing too much. “I am being silly.” She waved her hand.
“We know the Scot you talk about. There are dark rumors that surround him. I am surprised you traveled this far north.” Baron Fairfield looked deeply concerned.
“Doesn’t he live on an island? I will travel nowhere near him…” Charlotte’s words were abruptly cut off.
The front door of the manor burst open and a messenger bypassed the aging butler. “A message for the lady.” The messenger hurtled into the room as if demons were chasing him. His eyes were wild with fear. He stopped abruptly in front of Charlotte. Then he dropped a letter onto Charlotte’s lap. He sprinted back out as if the devil were nipping at his heals.
“How strange,” Charlotte turned to the men in front of her.
Baron Fairfield looked over her shoulder, “It bears the seal of the Marquess of Huntly.”
“And we were just talking about him.” Charlotte felt a chill run down her spine.
“Lass, forgive an old man, and open the letter in front of us or don’t open it at all.” The baron stepped in front of her to give her some privacy rather than reading over her shoulder.
“Why?” The letter seemed to burn into her hand.
“The Marquess is said to possess dark magic. It can’t be proven, but it’s a damn coincidence that you said his name and the letter appeared.” The baron’s voice was grim.
Graham stepped on the other side of her. Without thinking, she reached for his hand and squeezed it. She suddenly wished she had already married. Charlotte could use the protection a good husband would offer.
She let go of his hand and slowly, shaking slightly, broke the seal on the letter. She opened the flap, and unfolded the letter, quickly scanning its contents.
Charlotte gasped. “He demands my presence at his castle the day after tomorrow. He wants to discuss the terms of our marriage. He says that if I do not come to him, he will find me. He is threatening me! How did he even know I was here? How could he make such demands?”
Charlotte was unaware of standing but she found herself in the protective ring of Graham’s arms. Her own were wrapped tightly around his waist. Fear filled her mind. She looked up at him, desperate for more comfort but his face was grim.
“Could your father have made arrangements with him?” Baron Fairfield asked, concern creasing his brow.
“My father would never agree to give my hand away without consulting me and certainly not to him! We both agreed he was not a viable suitor.” Charlotte was afraid to say the marquess’ name. While it had to be a coincidence that the messenger arrived when she had said it, it made her uneasy to think of using the name again. She shivered despite the warmth of Graham’s embrace.
His thumb gently stroked her cheek while his hand rested along her jaw. “First thing in the morning, we will escort you home to the safety of your father. He will tell us if he wishes for you to meet the Marquess of…” He stopped saying the name as Charlotte shook her head violently. He nodded once to show he understood. “Tonight, Will and Tom will guard the front door and your window. Nick, you stay out back by the kitchen. Set the servants around the house. Father and I will stay outside her door. We will leave at first light.”
Charlotte leaned her head on his chest. Just this morning, she had asked if Graham was the useless son. Now she realized that the locksmith and soldier was the leader of this house in a time of crisis. At least in her crisis. He had saved her this morning and he was trying to save her again. She tightened her arms around him. His role here couldn’t have been more important.
“Is it possible to send a letter to my father telling him I am coming home?” Charlotte’s eyes were filling with tears. She lifted her head and looked in his eyes. His softened considerably as he brushed the tears away.
“Of course. But don’t mention the oddities of the messenger. Some things are best explained in person.” Charlotte nodded. She knew she should let go of him, but it felt so comforting to be held in his arms. She never wanted to leave.
As if he read her mind, he slowly removed his arms from around her and reached back for her hands, taking them off his waist. “Let’s get your letter done and pack your things.”
“All right,” Charlotte agreed but her feet were planted to the floor. Graham gently turned her and, placing an arm around her waist, began to propel her forward. Her hand found his and held it, drawing strength from him. She looked at the man next to her. Graham exuded masculine confidence. Despite the situation, it made her feel safe. It also made her tingle in ways she had never experienced before in her life.
Upstairs, Charlotte penned a quick note to her father and sent it with one of her servants. He was the fastest rider and would beat them to her home.
Another servant packed her things as Graham informed her entourage of the plans. The best riders would accompany her and the Fairfields straight to her father’s house. The rest of the servants and the wagons would make a more leisurely return.
“Lady Charlotte, try to get some sleep. The morning will come soon and the day will be long.” He gently touched her shoulder.
“Graham, I don’t know how to thank you.” She lowered her cheek to touch his hand. Tingling sensations shot through her body.
He took her hand and kissed it. “You can thank me when I deliver you safely to your father.” With that, he was gone.
Charlotte lay awake in bed for what felt like hours. Her fear over the night’s events turned in her mind. Mixed in with that was the sheer excitement she had felt at Graham’s touch. Finally, she fell into an uneasy sleep.
As she tossed in her bed, a strange noise permeated her sleep. It sounded like scraping or scratching and it seemed it to be over her head. She woke slightly but the room was silent.
She must have been dreaming. She closed her eyes determined to get more sleep. But t
hen she heard it again, followed by a definite scrape. What could that possibly be? She sat up in bed. Suddenly the window began to open.
Fear paralyzed Charlotte. “Graham,” her voice was soft, almost a whisper.
The window opened wider and Charlotte saw a black gloved hand and then another. A whimper escaped her. She was torn between screaming as loud as she possibly could and hiding so that she couldn’t be found. But as the man entered her room another set of hands hit the window.
He was dressed all in black with a black mask and black gloves. It made him look almost otherworldly.
“We’ve been breached,” a voice bellowed from the ground.
The window burst open and men seemed to pour through the opening. Two more climbed in. A scream ripped from Charlotte’s lips. Four pairs of masked eyes turned in her direction.
Graham burst through the door with a raised sword. Two of the men peeled off the group towards Graham while two more headed towards her.
Charlotte couldn’t stop screaming as Graham swung his sword. A man in black dropped to the ground, but more were climbing in through the window.
Graham swung his sword again and another man dropped. But a man in black had reached the side of the bed and he yanked her off the side, dragging her across the floor. Graham doubled his efforts.
Another man grabbed her other arm as Graham killed two more assailants. Each of the men holding her pulled out a hook. She stopped screaming as fear overwhelmed her. But they reached out the window and hooked a rope. Then holding her, they jumped out the opening.
Charlotte screamed like she had never screamed in her life. While each of the men was facing forward, she faced back. They were grasping her upper arms and she dangled between them fifty feet off the ground. They slid quickly down the rope but she could see Graham’s outline in the window. He disappeared for a second and then reappeared with a hook in his hand. In an instant, he was out the window and sliding behind them. Hope rose in Charlotte’s chest.